I’ve never really liked encaustic art, but at the same time I’m fascinated by the use of wax on paper and fabric. Looking round the internet I came across images of wax collage and that, combined with finding a minute travel iron in a charity shop, meant that I had to have a go. Isn’t it funny how when you have an idea in the back of your mind you sometimes just come across exactly what you need without even looking; it was sold as a travel iron but I think it is really a craft iron which was never used.

Scraps of dress making tissue, old maps, drawings, thread and lace are sandwiched between layers of beeswax and then the wax is ironed smooth. On top I added some Peal Ex pigments.

The base was a piece of Indian Rag paper; you need something substantial, perhaps watercolour paper. It is quite easy to score and bend after waxing.
The surface is really tactile.