My book is finished now and I am busy trying to complete all the assessment paperwork. This week we set up the studio for the end of year exhibition and next week will have the stage three assessment, before the exhibition opens with the private view on 12th May between 6-8pm..
The paperwork is mind-boggling and I sometimes think is it worth it, but I suppose it is about wanting to finish the course properly at this point. Some people will be going on to do degrees and I do envy them but I know it’s not for me at this point in my life.

Someone called the book a' modern relic’ and that was the idea I was trying to convey, so that if an archaeologist in the future found it he would be faced with trying to work out what our society was like from some of the signs and symbols which are about everywhere , even if we rarely notice them. On the front are supposed to be talismans, which in Africa used to contain writings thought to have magical powers, in mine I have put signs for 'corrosive','biohazard' ,'keep dry' and 'don't litter'.