Amongst other things, i.e. learning how to use a SLR camera and a life drawing class, I have continued with the pieces related to the theme of personal space. I will spare you my life drawings out of respect for the models, and because they were really best kept to myself. It was daunting as it is the first time I have done life drawing but a good experience and I would certainly like to have the opportunity to improve. We were all at different stages, and of course some people’s work was excellent - which is good as you can see what to aim for.
I have worked on the shadow images by stencilling onto silk noile and then onto silk organza; I have also machined the outlines onto organza. I have then been playing about with the layering effect. Nothing is stitched down as yet, and I can imagine the pieces hanging freely, so that you really get the effect of the layers and transparency

The piece about personal space and the ‘aura’ between people began to look more successful as I went over the seeding with markal oil stick, and put in some thicker threads. Still work in progress.