For someone who has given up full time work, I seem to have been really busy.
I had to buy a new car as my old one ‘died’; I also went for a group interview at the University for Creative Arts. I plan to start an Access Course in Art and Design in the autumn. I wonder if any of you have done this course, and what your experience of it was?

Playing with transfer paints lead to me machining this little zipped bag.
I put the polycotton onto acrylic felt and free machined the pattern, which I had made using a paper resist. I wound a thicker thread onto the bobbin and worked the piece upside down in some places. This was easy as I could draw out the lines on the felt. I then sewed the piece onto some of my procion dyed cotton.

If you look at my Etsy shop I would be pleased to know if the people in the States think my prices are Ok, too high etc.. Are the shipping costs likely to put people off? Feedback would be helpful.