Friday, August 29, 2008

Coptic Stitch

I was able to borrow a copy of a book by Keith Smith which gives very detailed instructions on Non-Adhesive Bookbinding, and so, following the instructions for Coptic Binding I have produced my first attempt. The instructions are so detailed that at times I wondered if they made the whole process more complicated than it need be.
I find I learn best from a combination of someone showing me and then having quiet time to work it out for myself. Having said that I think the book is excellent and plan to get my own copy at some point. The cover is a piece of material I decorated with a faux mineral effect described by Liz Mann in Embroidery Magazine many years ago; for those of you who remember that was before they changed the magazine and cut out techniques for a more art based approach.Perhaps I should try the magazine again as my interests have moved on, but I'm still a sucker for a new technique!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is it a bag or a book?

Here is an idea of what to do with those important birthday cards that you just can’t bear to throw away. I bound my cards into a book to remember a ‘special’ birthday. I used the carrier bag that one of my presents came in and a ribbon off another present to decorate the cover
I pasted in pieces of old envelopes to hold a series of postcards which I received,and stitched in the cards as separate signatures.
On one page I stitched the wrappers from some very posh chocolates which came from Denmark.

Of course you have to have friends and family to give you the nice cards and presents first.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Thanks Mary for giving me the above award:

The rules of the award are:The winner can put the logo on her blog.Link the person you received your award from.Nominate at least 7 other blogs.Put links of those blogs on yours.Leave a message on the blogs you’ve nominated...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I’m planning to do a recycle/reuse theme with a group that I work with, so the idea of beads made from newspaper appealed. Its is quite labour intensive but fun the first time round. I gave up on the sandpapering which I think is the clue to getting a nice even surface, as you see mine are really craggy. I think they could be useful as dangles on a bag or even a hanging. I made holes in mine using my book binding awl which was quite easy. Here is the link, in case you have not already seen it and from there you can find the person who originated them on Flickr; hers are much nicer than my first (and probably last) attempt.

I have also been playing around with close ups and depth of field, in case you are wondering what these boring blob pictures are about.
I have been posting on the I Love Haberdashery Group on Flickr which is fun if you like old wooden cotton reels and that sort of thing.