Wednesday, July 18, 2007


This month’s challenge on the UK Etsy Flickr site was a bit mind boggling.
I decided, mainly because I didn’t have any other thoughts on it, to shape some felt using shibori techniques to look like pills. At first I couldn’t think what to use to get the right size but then I remembered a large bag of beads which were just the right shape and size.

I used white merino tops and felted two layers onto a piece of muslin

It gradually came together then with red beads and some lettering on strips of silk.
At first it was going to be in a frame but I couldn’t get the photo right and so decided to manipulate it a bit in Paint Shop Pro using lights and a jagged frame. So far someone has made a Pill Box felt hat, which is a great idea - have a look.

Have a look at my new link to see if you are featured in my Poster for the Etsy Competition.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


This week I went to see the Antony Gormley Blind Light exhibition at the Hayward Gallery in London. He is well known in England for his sculpture The Angel of the North at Gateshead. He uses his own body as ‘subject, tool and material’. There was a great deal to see and experience, including a cloud-filled glass box, which you enter after reading a disclaimer to say you have no health conditions which would make it a hazard and are not of a nervous disposition. Unfortunately, reading this made me feel truly full of trepidation, and hanging on to the sides I realized that it seemed to sum up my whole attitude to life - not a risk taker. The aim is to disorientate and increase awareness of ones own body space.

From the viewing gallery you can see ‘Event Horizon’ which consists of 27 fibreglass and 4 cast iron figures spread out across London’s skyscape all facing towards the gallery. Lots of interaction with people trying to spot figures on both sides of the Thames. I particularly enjoyed the groups of photographs which are like the artists sketch book showing how his inspiration for the sculptures came together from views of the landscape and architecture. Well worth a visit if you have the opportunity.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Monoprint bag

I have now managed to finish my green and purple bag. I had a sudden burst of energy and I am pleased with it. I made two short handles from stiffened silk which is a change from a cord, which meant that I had to sew on the tassel rather than attaching it to the cord. The back and lining are of a sort of bluey/purply silk dupion, difficult to describe.

I machined a line of leaves on the handles and also on the bottom of the lining inside. Looking at it now I think I might have gone for some decoration on the bottom edge rather than the tassel.

I have just listed it on Etsy.
I also put a link on there to my blog, as people may like to know how the process started. Some of you may not be aware of the Uk Etsy Challenge site on Flickr. There has been some really interesting work on there as a result of recent challenge themes i.e. Flowers and Fairy Tales.