Thursday, November 23, 2006


Thank you for the encouragement with regard to the Beta hiccups.
I am sure it will all work out for the best. I have already been able to add a better link list. I still cannot access my blog re the bar at the top. I have two fairs next week, not strictly craft fairs but near to Xmas perhaps I will sell a few items.
It has generally been a week of angst – however, I have found a great distraction, some really simple and fun knitting. If you have not seen it there is a whole site dedicated to Curly Wurly Scarves. Really fun, have a look.

Here it is, my first curly wurly, and my first knitting for a long time; also the first photo taken with my new camera!

Friday, November 17, 2006

OH Dear!

Having just bought myself a big treat, a Wacom Tablet, I should have been very busy getting to know it, but the fact is that I have been busy in other directions. The biggest excitement is that I am going to give up full time work at the end of the year. This should give me plenty of time for new endeavours. I hope to make more of my textile interests; I’m not sure in what direction yet. I would like to teach and sell more work.
In the background is the fact that my camera died and I have been mourning it, even though my son says ‘get over it’ and that nothing is made to last. I am researching a good buy and it gets more complicated each day.
You may also have noticed that I have gone over to the Beta version. I feel sure it will be better in the long run, but I have lost most of my add-ons and have to start again. I can’t seem to put a picture on the header in the minima template. The very worst problem is that it will not let me in unless I say I have forgotten my password and gain access by blogger sending me an e-mail. I had a feeling it was a mistake to move to Beta, and it looks as if I was so right!